tisdag, januari 31, 2006
Vi har prov nästa vecka, jag vill inte ha prov. Jag har inte tid att plugga, för mycket annat att göra, för lite tid att göra det på!
måndag, januari 30, 2006
Genomgång av den blivande läraren (kursen har inte börjat ännu), kursen går ut på b.la. att se till att de andra i företaget inte sparkar en, som admin, bara för att allting fungerar. Utan faktiskt visa vad som behövs göras för att allting ska flyta m.m.
Han bubblar mest om wikipedia nu av någon anledning, det har tydlingen någonting med projekt att göra?
Lite roligt med de här annorlunda kurserna som inte är totalt teknikinriktade =)
Genomgång av den blivande läraren (kursen har inte börjat ännu), kursen går ut på b.la. att se till att de andra i företaget inte sparkar en, som admin, bara för att allting fungerar. Utan faktiskt visa vad som behövs göras för att allting ska flyta m.m.
Han bubblar mest om wikipedia nu av någon anledning, det har tydlingen någonting med projekt att göra?
Lite roligt med de här annorlunda kurserna som inte är totalt teknikinriktade =)
Oh, the weekend is finally over. I'm not sure, but I believe... My head won't stop spinning, maybe I should have slept at least some last night, or this morning. But that's ok, I'm on a caffeine high again! Wheee....
Haven't you heard? We all live in a small pond, and we are all ducks just swimming around... around... and around. And still we get surprised when we recognize each other. Or when you knew her, and him, and those two that... And him, and your friend knew that guy that I used to share my childhood with. And he, who did that... And that gang, and that place, and that party. And still. We act surprised, we believe in surprise. We act nonchalant and stunned at the same time. But do we ever stop to think. Or stop to watch, people around us. That bloke on the train that I see every other day, still never knew, never talk to. Even when he goes to the same club, digs the same music.
Well... It's a pond, and we're stuck in it, maybe we should just socialize. Look each other in the eye and acknowledge their existance.
But still, new friends are cool. Even when they deprive you of your sleep, make you spend the night talking and the next morning; sleep walk to school, tired and knackered, longing for bed and the company of other people, those not at school.
The Club was awful, the company was pleasant. Tech-noir is not what it once was.
Board games are fun, tried this game called Torres this Sunday. Very fun, indeed... =)
Stor kram till alla som känner att ni behöver en. =P
Haven't you heard? We all live in a small pond, and we are all ducks just swimming around... around... and around. And still we get surprised when we recognize each other. Or when you knew her, and him, and those two that... And him, and your friend knew that guy that I used to share my childhood with. And he, who did that... And that gang, and that place, and that party. And still. We act surprised, we believe in surprise. We act nonchalant and stunned at the same time. But do we ever stop to think. Or stop to watch, people around us. That bloke on the train that I see every other day, still never knew, never talk to. Even when he goes to the same club, digs the same music.
Well... It's a pond, and we're stuck in it, maybe we should just socialize. Look each other in the eye and acknowledge their existance.
But still, new friends are cool. Even when they deprive you of your sleep, make you spend the night talking and the next morning; sleep walk to school, tired and knackered, longing for bed and the company of other people, those not at school.
The Club was awful, the company was pleasant. Tech-noir is not what it once was.
Board games are fun, tried this game called Torres this Sunday. Very fun, indeed... =)
Stor kram till alla som känner att ni behöver en. =P
lördag, januari 28, 2006
Tonight it's party time. It seems...
A bit tired, this whole week has been slow and unconvincing. Lots of work to do, mostly for school. Lots of work that I don't want to do, mostly for school.
But this night it's Tech-Noir again. It's going to be fun, lpng time since last time and they usually have decent music. If you're into VNV Nation, Welle:Erdball and Covenant you should check it out.
I've watched both Saw and Saw II now, and decided upon exposing those to my Wife. They were pretty good, and surprisingly good for a Hollywood flick.
A bit tired, this whole week has been slow and unconvincing. Lots of work to do, mostly for school. Lots of work that I don't want to do, mostly for school.
But this night it's Tech-Noir again. It's going to be fun, lpng time since last time and they usually have decent music. If you're into VNV Nation, Welle:Erdball and Covenant you should check it out.
I've watched both Saw and Saw II now, and decided upon exposing those to my Wife. They were pretty good, and surprisingly good for a Hollywood flick.
torsdag, januari 26, 2006
Lärande i Arbete - Praktisk tillämpning av kunskaper i företagsvärlden.
Just det ja. OM... Det är någon därute som läser min blog, och kanske tänker att. Aha, en student, som kan Linux och UNIX system bra och som snart är en färdigutbildad systemadministratör.
Det är ju en jättebra resurs som jag kan använda, eftersom han kan jobba kostnadsfritt hos oss, och samtidigt vara väldigt produktiv och nyttig. Han är dessutom försäkrad, för skador upp till ett belopp av 10 milj! Verkar väldigt duktig på både Linux/UNIX system och Windowssystem och jobbar flitigt. Samtidigt så får ju han en väldigt nyttig lärdom av att jobba hos oss, och vi kan senare lätt anställa honom när han redan har lärt sig alla våra rutiner och funkar bra i vårat team.
Om något av detta far runt i erat huvud, och erat företag skulle må bra utav lite extra hjälp mer era system, eller era kunderssystem. Så tveka inte med att höra av er till mig!
staffan (at) linuxadmins.se
Det är ju en jättebra resurs som jag kan använda, eftersom han kan jobba kostnadsfritt hos oss, och samtidigt vara väldigt produktiv och nyttig. Han är dessutom försäkrad, för skador upp till ett belopp av 10 milj! Verkar väldigt duktig på både Linux/UNIX system och Windowssystem och jobbar flitigt. Samtidigt så får ju han en väldigt nyttig lärdom av att jobba hos oss, och vi kan senare lätt anställa honom när han redan har lärt sig alla våra rutiner och funkar bra i vårat team.
Om något av detta far runt i erat huvud, och erat företag skulle må bra utav lite extra hjälp mer era system, eller era kunderssystem. Så tveka inte med att höra av er till mig!
staffan (at) linuxadmins.se
Lärande i Arbete
LIA - dags för det nu.
LIA är en avgörande del utav min utbildning. Det är en slags praktik, men vi väljer att inte kalla det för praktik p.ga. de negativa tankar som automatiskt medföljer.
Just nu sitter jag och "läser på" om de företag som jag kan vara intresserad av att ha min LIA-period hos. Hittils har jag skummat igenom företag som:
Jaja. Lite jobbigt är det att söka hos företag, men det ska nog gå bra. Kompetens har man ju, men hur visar man det? Det är en väldigt bra utbildning och vi går igenom mycket som inte bara är tekniskt, fastän det är en teknisk utbildning. T.ex. Gruppdynamik, Personlig Försäljning och Projektarbete.
Jag har även hittat ett företag som ger datasupport jobb åt studenter (egentligen så erbjuder de prisvärd datasupport med studenter åt sina kunder, men...) och jag tyckte det lät perfekt, så jag ska söka mig in där =)
Intresserad? Kolla in på Ants ...
LIA är en avgörande del utav min utbildning. Det är en slags praktik, men vi väljer att inte kalla det för praktik p.ga. de negativa tankar som automatiskt medföljer.
Just nu sitter jag och "läser på" om de företag som jag kan vara intresserad av att ha min LIA-period hos. Hittils har jag skummat igenom företag som:
- IT-resurs
- Lindist (litet företag, som levererar Linux-distar)
- PrimeKey
- Proact
- SolidX (Helt gyllene, men ligger i Malmö)
Jaja. Lite jobbigt är det att söka hos företag, men det ska nog gå bra. Kompetens har man ju, men hur visar man det? Det är en väldigt bra utbildning och vi går igenom mycket som inte bara är tekniskt, fastän det är en teknisk utbildning. T.ex. Gruppdynamik, Personlig Försäljning och Projektarbete.
Jag har även hittat ett företag som ger datasupport jobb åt studenter (egentligen så erbjuder de prisvärd datasupport med studenter åt sina kunder, men...) och jag tyckte det lät perfekt, så jag ska söka mig in där =)
Intresserad? Kolla in på Ants ...
onsdag, januari 25, 2006
Så... äntligen något att se fram emot. Har varit lite seg denna vecka, och saker fungerar ju såsom de ska i detta kalla nordliga land. Pendeltågen krånglar (igen, eller fortfarande... vilket vet jag inte) och vi fick äntligen tillbaka vattnet i vår skolbyggnad.
I helgen hade det frusit, så toaletter och dylika fungerade inte alls och vi fick schemalägga dessa besök. *suck*
Ikväll ska vi till Kansliet, för en onsdagskväll med öppet hus, gratis mat =) och lite lajvplanering. Detta är nu vad jag spenderar varje onsdagskväll med sen ett tag tillbaka. Torsdagarskvällar likaså är fullt uppbokade med lajvplanering och tisdagar ska det vara läxhjälp åt kusinen.
Börjar kännas som tonåren igen, den tiden då man hade varje veckodag (mer eller mindre) upplanerad med aktiviteter.
The Hacker Manifesto:
- A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary.
- One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.
- A person capable of appreciating hack value.
- A person who is good at programming quickly.
- An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in `a UNIX hacker'. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.)
- An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example.
- One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.
- [deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence "password hacker", "network hacker". The correct term is cracker.
tisdag, januari 24, 2006
Crippled scripts at school
Trying to write bash-scripts...
I'm really not good at it, but still. At least I'm doing something, quite contrary to most of my class peers. Now it's almost in working order, but starting to get boring and the teachers already started a "Walkthrough"... *sigh*
I long for the company of my wife, but I will see her tonight.
I'm really not good at it, but still. At least I'm doing something, quite contrary to most of my class peers. Now it's almost in working order, but starting to get boring and the teachers already started a "Walkthrough"... *sigh*
I long for the company of my wife, but I will see her tonight.
excerpts - ahlvik.se
breathing the words
feeling them inside
brooding in the language
exhaling on a slip of paper
turning a drop of a tear
into a thoughtful feeling
turning feeling, wreaking inside
turning the fear into a poet
feeling the taste
slowly licking the sides
but a synonym remains untold
for another, tasting sweeter
bitterness runs down
down to the deepest syllable
the stroke of a letter reeking
reeking with feelings channeled
a tear runs down my cheek
it fuels my pen with ink
a wordfactory running on emotions
creating what cannot get (be?) told
Learning Things At School
Today, I think, I've learnt the most important thing. The most commonly used and the most precious knowledge in computersystems administration.
Seriously, the majority of all fuckups in the computer world is what I call an Error 503.
Error 503: Bad user. Please replace user and press OK to continue!
Meanwhile.... In the real world where puppets grow legs and raid supermarkets: I am tired, a bit off-beat and really just want to stay home and sleep. I'm a bit knackered as the English would have it.
"How To Prevent Users From Logging In To The System"Now, if you know this, and handle it well you will have no problems at all. Just don't let those f*ckers log in! Problem Solved, no issues... Have a coffee-break.
Seriously, the majority of all fuckups in the computer world is what I call an Error 503.
Error 503: Bad user. Please replace user and press OK to continue!
Meanwhile.... In the real world where puppets grow legs and raid supermarkets: I am tired, a bit off-beat and really just want to stay home and sleep. I'm a bit knackered as the English would have it.
måndag, januari 23, 2006
Yes... Oh!
And BTW, I am also arranging and hosting a Larp.... Yes, great fun. Lot's of planning, anxiety, caffeine, stress and brainnumbing wierd ideafountainorgasmic meetings in wierd locales owned by our local [read:sweden] non-profit gaming organisation [read:sverok]. YES!
But, it's fun. And we believe (a bit naïve perhaps, but still) that this will be. And here I quote: "The best LARP EVER!"
And if you're not, as we all should be, a total geek that totally knows exactly what I'm talking about, I shall try to explain. And fail miserably.
Now LARP is short for Live action role-playing game and has second to nothing to do with handcuffs and latex-sheeted beds, unless you're wierder than I am. In very blunt terms it could be described as an interactive form of theater where the only audience is the participants and where the script is nothing but a sheet that says "This is the story so far" and more often than it should "You've had a very troublesome upbringing, and suffer from this every waking hour."
Now, our aim in this project is to make the participants feel (preferably ill at ease) think (paranoid thoughts) and really, really participate (with as little bloodshed as possible). Since most LARPs are medieval themed, they often tend to put most of the weight on the authenticity of the apparel and less on the feelings, emotions and utterly insane soap operish conflicts that we all delight in.
This LARP... The Apotheosis of LARPs is set in this world, just an alternative version of it. Where we still have the same politicians in action, the same day to day struggle and get to focus on the delicious psyches of the character in action. Yes, because you will not be yourself on this LARP. The main factor commonly used in LARPs, the factor that always exists and in fact, makes it LARP is just this factor. Be someone else.
WARNING: Don't do this at home unless you're really sure of what you are doing and have a mental health out of this world. Prolonged exposure could lead to sunburn and paranoia.Oh yes... The LARP.
You will probably find it at p19.se.
Now, as far as blogging goes, I really don't have the the time nor the energy to write something. At least something "Interesting", every day...
But I might add something to the nonsense world of the internet-community, or just fill up some lonely bytes that desperately need filling. They cry out to me, sometimes you know? At night, when noone else hears they cry to me. Help us! Our existence is futile, and wasted and we long to have our sole existence fulfilled. Give us a purpose!
So, I thought to myself. I might just do you that favour, alright. And I will give those poor, poor 1's and 0's some of my valuable time. Probably the time I should spend listening to my teacher, and Learn Things. But, alas...
But I might add something to the nonsense world of the internet-community, or just fill up some lonely bytes that desperately need filling. They cry out to me, sometimes you know? At night, when noone else hears they cry to me. Help us! Our existence is futile, and wasted and we long to have our sole existence fulfilled. Give us a purpose!
So, I thought to myself. I might just do you that favour, alright. And I will give those poor, poor 1's and 0's some of my valuable time. Probably the time I should spend listening to my teacher, and Learn Things. But, alas...